This field contains the organisation of the user.
This field contains the display name of the user.
This field contains the title of the user.
Need an explaination of what each Title means? Click Here
This field contains the first name of the user.
This field contains the middle names of the user.
This field contains the last name of the user.
This field contains the experience level of the user.
This field contains the profile picture of the user.
This field contains the users' email address.
This field contains the users' contact info.
This field contains the users' address.
Postal Code
This field contains the users' timezone.
This field contains the birth place of the user.
This field contains the resident country of the user.
This field contains the application language of the user.
This field contains the privacy of the users' profile
This field contains the users' password.
This field contains the active status of the user.
This field contains the date of when the user was born.
This field contains the date of when the user was created.
This field will be set to the date when the User is created.